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Ancestors and Descendants
Ancestor: Crinoglider
Descendants: Crinosoar

Creator: Bufforpington

Ancestor: Crinoglider

Habitat: Neakweed Meadow, The eastern coasts of middle datura

Size: 30 cm Long

Diet: Omnivore (Neaker, Neakweed, Tuckfish, Longfin, Groupodispus, Aurorafin, Venfin, Visogroupus, Visojawus, Chasojawus, small Auroracrinis, Sardvisus)

Reproduction: Sexual, Eggs encased in mucus

The Crinoflier replaced its ancestor. They have taken their ability to glide one step further and have achieved powered flight. This mainly is used as a defense against predators, as they will fly as far from it as possible. However, spending a relatively long time out of the water is a problem, as they could only breathe underwater. To work around this, they developed book lungs that allow them to breathe air while they fly. However, they must eventually return to the water or their skin will dry out. Because flying takes a lot of energy, the crinoflier must eat large amounts of food. Thus, they now have become generalized predators of nektonic animals. However, they still eat plants. Four of their eight eyes have become more advanced so they can spot predators and prey with greater ease. Their four tentacles are now positioned so that they act like a four-way jaw. This 'jaw' is very powerful and can seriously harm their prey. once the prey is too injured to struggle against the crinoflier, the claws which are held inside of their mouth are used to pick apart the prey and move the food to their mouths. Because they still spend much of their time underwater, they have developed a dorsal fin to help stabilize them while they are swimming. Like their ancestor, they still live exclusively on the east coast of Middle Datura.