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Ancestors and Descendants
Creator: Bufforpington
Habitat: The eastern tropical beaches of middle and south datura
Size: 40 cm Long
Diet: Photosynthesis
Reproduction: Asexual Spores, Fragmentation
The Neakvine split from its ancestor and is found on tropical beaches on the east coasts of Middle and South Datura. It generally lives within the beach's swash zone, soaking up the water from the waves breaking onto the coast. It has no problem with salt, as its ancestor was completely submerged in salty ocean water. Because it is on land, its spores are swept up by the wind and now travel much further, thus, if it grew in deeper water, the spores would not get the chance to travel far. It has developed a cuticle to protect it from drying out when it is exposed to the air. However, it lacks a vascular system, resulting it lying limply on the ground, like a vine growing along the ground. Its anchor-like root comes in handy, as if it weren't there, it would likely be easily swept out to sea by a powerful wave. Its stem has grown thicker to help it stay in one piece when a strong wave breaks on the coast. Sometimes their leaves are detached from the plant by a strong wave. Those swept out to sea will slowly rot away and their spores never germinate, supplying a large amount of detritus to the eastern coastal ecosystems of tropical Middle and South Datura. Leaves that make it to shore before they begin to rot can become new plants.