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Ancestors and Descendants
Creator: Bufforpington
Habitat: The eastern, tropical coasts of North Gemstar, South Gemstar, and Skwidbox
Size: 7 cm Long
Diet: Sanguivore (Diamondleaf neakweed, Diamondleaf)
Reproduction: Asexual, Sticky eggs laid on host plants
With the extinction of the hydravase, the tentamimic's numbers have been reduced dramatically due to the loss of their hiding place. Their bright blue fins made them stand out in the reef neakweed-choked coasts of the three islands located between the East Daturian Peninsula and North Gemstar. Some individuals migrated east, ending up along the tropical coasts of North Gemstar, where they found the diamondleaf neakweed and the diamondleaf. From there, they spread into the tropical coasts of South Gemstar and Skwidbox. The tentamimic quickly evolved to mimic the leaves of the diamond-leafed plants and became the diamimic. Diamimics have done away with their bright blue fins, with them returning to their distant ancestors' orange color. Their fins have changed to look like the leaf of a diamondleaf neakweed. When latched onto a diamondleaf neakweed or diamondleaf, most predators cannot distinguish between them and the actual leaves. However, this awkward fin shape has decreased their ability to swim, making them almost entirely rely on mimicry for defense, as they cannot outswim most predators. Diamimics most commonly feed on diamondleaf neakweeds, as they are always completely submerged. Diamimics cannot remain latched to diamondleaves for very long, as they must leave the intertidal zone as the tide goes out.