Beach Pillbeak

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Beach Pillbeak.png


Ancestors and Descendants
Ancestor: Pillbeak
Descendants: Whiskroach Whiscuttle

Creator: Bufforpington

Habitat: The tropical and temperate beaches of eastern north, south and middle Datura

Size: 10 cm Long

Diet: Detritivore, Scavenger, Coprophagic

Reproduction: Sexual, Eggs laid underground

The beach pillbeak split from its ancestor and moved into the beaches along the eastern coast of Datura. They feed on any form of decaying matter, primarily washed-up carcasses. Their color has changed once more to help them blend in with the sand. Its first pair of legs have grown longer to help hold up its front-heavy body. Like its ancestor, it rolls up into a ball when threatened. They now bury their eggs in shallow pits, as there are no logs on the beach.