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Ancestors and Descendants
Creator: Bufforpington
Habitat: East Peninsular Rainforest
Size: 5 cm Long
Diet: Detritivore
Reproduction: Sexual, Eggs buried under leaf litter, super fast breeder
The whiscuttle split from its ancestor and moved into the rainforest. There, they were met with an abundance of leaf litter. They then went on to exploit this new resource, however, they had to compete with other detritivorous arthrobeaks. Their first segment and head have fused together, and their first pair of legs have been modified into antennae. These antennae are used to feel their way through the relatively dark understory of the rainforest. This gives them an edge over other arthrobeaks, as they rely entirely on eyesight. Because of their small size, they are commonly eaten by predators. They also cannot defend themselves by curling up into a ball. Thus, they breed rapidly to keep themselves from being eaten into extinction.