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Ancestors and Descendants
Ancestor: Hiberfrondo

Creator: CoolKuy

Habitat: East Gemstar Temperate Coast, Gemstar Polar Bay

Size: .3 m tall

Diet: Photosynthesis, Detritivore

Reproduction: Sexual, Lightweight spores released into the air or through the water

Despite the Abacaba ocean being revived rapidly, the Vailnoffia ocean wasn't as lucky. As literally nothing survived, it would be a while for anything to go in the ocean. While the Cardleaves were busy taking the land, the Hiberfrondoes in the Polar Beaches saw an easy opportunity. The Waterfrondoes live in the Gemstar Polar Bay and the East Gemstar Temperate Coast, both biomes in the Vailnoff ocean. They are half as large as it's ancestor and they have a lack of tubers, although they still have their secondary tentacles. They lost 2 of there leaves as well, as the decreased size made it unnecessary. Their bulb is hollow and lighter than the water, allowing them to float on the water.