Corsair Fish

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Ancestors and Descendants
Ancestor: Emperor Psittacrush

Creator: Datura

Habitat: Datura Twilight Floor

Size: 0.80 meters

Diet: Carnivore, scavenger

Reproduction: Sexual, eggs are laid on rocks and plants

While some Emperor Psittacrushes took to the sea floor, some remained around the forming clam reefs, eating anything they can come across. It has grown much larger than it's ancestor, and it's barbels have moved to the bottom-center of their lips. These barbels protrude rather far out, compared to their ancestor. This animal is known for its ambush strategy. Unlike it's relatives, the eyes of this animal are rather large, which allow it to gain as much light as possible from the environment. These eyes point upwards, to see the silhouettes of nearby animals swimming above. When it spots a prey item, it attacks, using it's beak to forcibly incapacitate prey.