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Ancestors and Descendants
Ancestor: Slytherserpent

Creator: Bufforpington

Habitat: East Peninsular Scrubland

Size: 1.6 m Long

Diet: Carnivore (Slythdigger, Slytherserpent, Dragambush, Dragasail, Nocturmander, Beakmander, Eopsin, Crawlarmor, Armorjaw, Armorlug, Isobeak, Pillbeak)

Reproduction: Sexual, Eggs buried underground

With the arrival of the eopsin, the slytherserpent was quickly being outcompeted due to its larger size and similar hunting technique. Some began to develop a new method of hunting. The venoserpent has grown larger in order to compete with the newcomer and has developed a new hunting style. They use their newly developed camouflage to blend in with the soil, waiting for something to come close. Once its prey strays too close, it will bite it. Its mouth spikes are now venomous, and inject a fast-acting venom into its prey. They can use this venom to fell creatures that are far larger than it, like dragasails. Their jaws are also quite powerful, capable of crushing the shells of large arthrobeaks with ease. Their hearing has improved considerably, with the auricle developing further, allowing for increased sound collection. While they do occasionally prey on the eopsin, they rarely do so. Such a feat is incredibly dangerous, as one can easily kill the other. Sometimes, both creatures die, with the venosyrpent being strangled and the eopsin being poisoned. Thus, venosyrpents tend to stay away from eopsins and vice versa. slytherserpents still survive in small pockets in the scrubland, but they now spend much of their time in their burrows, safe from the two titanic, serpentine species.