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Ancestors and Descendants
Creator: Bufforpington
Habitat: North-Middle Daturian Mountains
Size: 1.1 m long
Diet: Liquivore (Cragbounder, Grooshrub)
Reproduction: Sexual, Snail-like eggs buried underground
As the descendants of the tripod took over North Datura, the tripostrikers were quickly outcompeted by the behemoths and the leviathans. This forced some of them to migrate to new lands. Some were driven into the mountains. Far from their coastal homes, they had to adapt to not having an ocean to lay their eggs in. Some of the tripostrikers exhibited a mutation in which they laid snail-like eggs instead of frog-like eggs. These individuals were the only ones able to reproduce and ultimately gave rise to the vallurk. Vallurks now walk on all four of their limbs as a means to help them remain stable in the more rugged parts of the mountains. However, they spend much of their time in the valley forests. They have became gray in order to blend in with the rocks and the trunks of mountain grootrees. They are ambush predators, lying still in wait for a cragbounder to come too close. When one strays within range, the vallurk will leap out at it and kill it with its proboscis, spiky forelimbs, and its newly-evolved tail spike. Because cragbounders are not always available, they sometimes feed on grooshrubs.