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Ancestors and Descendants
Ancestor: Tuckfish
Descendants: Greater Tuckprey

Creator: Bufforpinton

Ancestor: Tuckfish

Habitat: Neakweed Meadow

Size: 3 cm Long

Diet: Hemophagic (Slyther)

Reproduction: Asexual, Sticky eggs laid under neakweed

The Tuckprey split from its ancestor and started to parasitize their predator, the slyther. They have grown smaller to make them less noticeable, which is made even more effective with their orange camouflage. They have gained gills to allow them to gather more oxygen from the water and a notochord to provide an attachment point for their muscles. Their teeth help them better puncture the skin of their host and create more holes. While the adults drink the blood of the slyther, the fry will feed on neakweed until they get bigger.