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Ancestors and Descendants
Ancestor: Beachworm
Descendants: Earthleech Northern Tuckleech

Creator: Bufforpington

Habitat: East Peninsular Beach, The eastern coast of middle Datura

Size: 2 cm Long

Diet: Hemophagic (Slyther, Slythphibian, Draggin, Chasobenthus)

Reproduction: Asexual, Eggs laid on Hosts, Super fast Breeder

The tuckleech split from its ancestor and plagues the coasts and shores of the East Daturian Peninsula. It has a sucker on the end of its tail to get a better grip of its hosts. They primarily feed on benthic and amphibious animals. It relies heavily on the water, and can only feed on land-based hosts for so long before their skin dries out. It lays tiny, sticky eggs on its host. Because they are eaten quite often and many of their eggs are lost to predators eating their host, they reproduce very rapidly.