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Ancestors and Descendants
Ancestor: Tentawalker
Descendants: Squishstrider

Creator: Bufforpington

Habitat: The tropical, western coasts and beaches of North Gemstar, South Gemstar, and Skwidbox

Size: 10 cm Long

Diet: Scavenger, Detritivore

Reproduction: Hermaphrodite, Eggs laid near shore

The squishwalker split from its ancestor. They have now begun to better adapt to living on land. Their tentacles have been modified into short, muscular legs. These legs allow them to support themselves on land, allowing to walk properly, albeit more slowly. Their eyes are more capable of seeing on land. However, their vision is quite poor underwater. They still breathe through their skin, and thus must regularly return to the water to keep it moist. They are found further than the swash zone, but they still need to be near water. Their feeding habits vary depending on where they live. Squishwalkers living in North Gemstar feed primarily on carrion, as means of avoiding competition with the armorlug. Those in South Gemstar and Skwidbox will happily eat any form of decaying matter. The reproductive behaviors of the northern and southern populations also vary, as northerners breed rapidly due to the presence of predators, while the southerners breed less often, being the only land animals living in South Gemstar and Skwidbox. Squishwalkers lay their eggs just off the shoreline at low tide. This ensures that they will remain moist. After laying their eggs, they bury them as a means of protection against aquatic animals that would potentially eat the eggs.