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Ancestors and Descendants
Creator: Bufforpington
Ancestor: Longfin
Habitat: East Peninsular Beach, The eastern coasts of middle datura, Neakweed Meadow
Size: 20 cm Long
Diet: Carnivore (Beachworm, Sitetuck, Tuckworm, Tuckfish, Venfin, Chasobenthus)
Reproduction: Sexual, Sticky eggs laid beneath aquatic plants)
The Slyther split from its ancestor, the Longfin. It lives along the Eastern coasts and beaches of Middle Datura. They are known for being benthic predators, swimming a few centimeters off of the sea floor in search of prey. They are quite versatile and their behavior varies between environments. Those living in the neakweed meadows will swim at the bottom, searching for various tuckworm species. Those that live along the coasts feed on virtually anything smaller than it that is found on or near the sea floor. Those that live very close to the beach have been known to slither onto land and feed on Beachworms. The slyther has gained a dorsal fin to help stabilize it while it is swimming. It now possesses a bony skeleton that helps hold its body together on land. It lacks fins on its underside because the slyther slithers around on it on land. In addition to this, they also lost their eyes on their underside, as these eyes kept on getting damaged while they were slithering on land and have little use, as they are constantly looking at the sea floor. To make up for this, they eyes on the sides of their head have become more advanced to help the better spot prey and predators. Slythers breathe directly through their skin. Because of this, they must regularly return to the water to moisten their skin if they are on land. Like their cousin, the crinoflier, they too have developed a four-way jaw.