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Ancestors and Descendants
Ancestor: Revofrondo

Creator: CoolKuy

Habitat: West Gemstar Temperate Coast

Size: 20 cm tall

Diet: Photosynthetic

Reproduction: Sexual, spits out eggs and sperm into the water.

The mass extinction absolutely destroyed Gemstars coast. Allthocones, Gloforages, Pakarmors. Every single one of them died in the mass extinction. Despite Gemstar's terrestrial life being a tiny-more lucky, the life around it (not counting the open ocean) decreased into one singular organism to radiate once more- the Revofrondo. So, it did just that. Rapidly, the coast became full of Revofrondoes and descendants photosynthesizing. One of the more interesting descendants to come out of this rapid growth are the Revoyuras.

Revoyura is a rather small species of Revofrond, only reaching up to 20 centimeters tall, although that's most likely to decrease the weight of itself. Its mouth is so small that it's unusable, and its digestive system is vestigial and just... there, basically. They have also lost there secondary tentacles, as there isn't anything to defend against. They absorb nutrients in the soil directly through the anchor's skin, not having a root system period. However, this often just takes all the usable nutrients out of the soil, with no way to go somewhere else. So they evolved a way to do exactly that. They have 6 fin-like arms around there anchor that can dig through soil and, if necessary, dig out of the ground and find a better spot. It isn't very good in digging nor walking, but there isn't anything that is competing against it by doing the exact same thing besides other Revoyura, so it works.