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Ancestors and Descendants
Ancestor: Frondoplantome
Descendants: Siccofrondo Revoyura Netofrondo

Descended from Frondoplantome. They have begun inhabiting the shallow waters and tide pools of the western shores of North Gemstar, having evolved stiff struts in its primary tentacles to hold them out of the water so as to get more light. Their secondary tentacles however have been modified into defensive structures and are mobile while not very accurate. The spikes have serrated edges on their tips and are hollow. They suck up nutrient filled water, oblivious creatures that wander into it's blood, and bits of organic material to feed itself and the algae when they don't get enough light. Their anchor can store enough water that they will survive if left unsubmerged by the tides, but they are incapable of surviving on land for extended periods of time, and must be born in the water. They are only slightly larger than their ancestors.

  • the lighter blue in the picture is above water.