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Ancestors and Descendants
Creator: Bufforpington
Habitat: North-Middle Daturian Mountains
Size: 3.5 m Tall
Diet: Photosynthesis
Reproduction: Asexual, Spore-filled pods
The prailamount split from its ancestor and has migrated into the mountains. They live in valleys and other low-altitude areas of the mountain due to their inability to survive colder temperatures. These plants are most common around the edges of mountain grootree forests, on slopes that are too steep for the mountain grootree to grow on. They are also occasionally found within the forest, given the plant can grow beneath and through the thick canopy of grootree caps. The prailamount can grow on moderately steep slopes, with their large and thick roots providing an effective foothold. Their trunks tend to bend in early stages of growth so the top of the tree is facing upright. However, they cannot survive on very steep slopes and on sheer cliffs. They now reproduce with spore pods that hang beneath the top of the tree. The spore pods are encased in chitin in order to protect the developing spores from harsh weather. Over time, this casing will gradually grow thinner to allow the pod to break open when it falls off the tree. Ripe pods will naturally fall off the tree without assistance from animals, which are all but absent from the mountains.