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Ancestors and Descendants
Ancestor: Spiky mushrub

Creator: CoolKuy

Habitat: Daturian Desert

Size: 1.25 m tall when Sexually Mature.

Diet: Photosynthesis

Reproduction: Asexual Spores

Spiky Mushrubs, being literally the only survivor on Datura, flourished- creating waves of new biomes consisting of just descendants of them. As the vast majority of Datura became either vast lands of dirt, rocks, or sand, Mush Forests sprouted up quickly. One of the first Mushrubs that came out of this was the Mushtree. They are 2.5 times as tall as Spiky Mushrubs, from far, far less competition. Speaking of which, at first glance, you might think this is a sister-taxon of the Spiky Mushrub, instead of being directly related to them. But they have the same porous cap and leathery skins as Spiky Mushrubs, which Mushrubs themselves don't have. Mushtrees have the ability to stores large amounts of water for an extremely long amount of time, and they do this by growing extremely slowly. An adult specimen can take up to 20 years to become sexually mature and can grow nearly indefinitely until it topples over or dies from dehydration. Most Mushtrees live in small clusters of 5-10 individuals, which themselves normally appear closer to the shore. While there are some farther in the desert, they normally aren't very tall.