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Ancestors and Descendants
Creator: Bufforpington
Habitat: East Peninsular Scrubland
Size: 40 cm Long
Diet: Herbivore (Neakroot, Pentadisc, Neakberry, Stalkberry), Frugivore (Neakberry, Stalkberry, Rampberry)
Reproduction: Sexual, Eggs laid in abandoned slythdigger burrows
The Isobeak split from its ancestor and is now covered in a complete exoskeleton. This better protects the isobeak from predators. In addition to this, its jaws have become a beak, which is now strong enough to eat through the discs of neakflora species as well as chew on fruits. Its armored, segmented legs are stronger, allowing the isobeak to walk properly. In order to protect their eggs from the tongueworm, it lays its eggs in abandoned slythdigger burrows. Because of their sheer size and strong exoskeleton, nocturmanders are no threat to them, allowing them to enter these burrows without being attacked. The only unarmored part of its body are its eye-stalks, as an exoskeleton would impede their ability to move freely.