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Ancestors and Descendants
Ancestor: Anchovisus
Descendants: Glowvisus Macvisus

Creator: Bufforpington

Habitat: Open Ocean (Sunlight Zone), Coasts

Size: 40 cm Long

Diet: Filter-Feeder

Reproduction: Sexual, Eggs laid along polar coasts

The Herrivisus split from its ancestor. They are found in all of vailnoffia's sunlit ocenas. However, they prefer colder water. Those found in tropical waters are merely migrating to the north or south. With the sardvisus and the anchovisus patrolling the coasts, the herrivisus spends more of its time in the open ocean in order to avoid competition. They have developed more fins to maximize stability. Their gills are now protected by operculums to prevent predators and parasites from damaging them. Their larger size keeps small predators at bay. While they spend much of their life in the open ocean, they must return to the coasts to breed. Like their ancestors, they spawn en masse and leave vast stretches of the coastline covered in eggs.