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Ancestors and Descendants
Ancestor: Groot
Descendants: Mountain grootree

Creator: Bufforpington

Ancestor: Groot

Habitat: North Daturian Woodland

Size: 4 m Tall

Diet: Photosynthesis

Reproduction: Asexual Budding

The Grootree split from its ancestor, moving closer to North Daturia's eastern beaches. Growing from the edge of the North-Middle Daturian Mountains to the artic circle, Sandwiched between the desert and beach, the Grootree has formed a temperate woodland. Because of their great height and the lack of herbivores, the grootree has lost its poison. Their thick roots are capable of breaking up rock, allowing them to penetrate the eastern North-Middle Daturian Mountains' foothills. Their advance into the mountains was stopped by the mountain range's steep slopes.