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Ancestors and Descendants
Ancestor: Tuckworm
Descendants: Spikeworm Tuckleech

Creator: Bufforpington

Ancestor: Tuckworm

Habitat: East Peninsular Beach, The eastern coast of middle datura, Neakweed Meadow

Size: 3 cm Long

Diet: Detritivore, Sanguivore (Neakroot, Neaker, Neakweed)

Reproduction: Asexual, eggs, super fast breeder

The beachworm split from its ancestor, the tuckworm and moved onto the coasts and beaches of the East Daturian Peninsula. It was the result of some tuckworms slithering just outside of the neakweed meadow and into the shores of Eastern Daturian Peninsula. There, they once again found a new plant to parasitize, this one being the neakroot. In order for them to spend more time on land, their skin has become more efficient at taking oxygen directly from the air. However, because they still need their skin moist, they must return to the water to moisten their skin. This has kept them from travelling further inland. They have been known to also parasitize neakers and neakweeds. Since their eggs would dry out on land, they are laid underwater, at the base of neakweed and neaker plants. Because they are eaten so often, they are extremely prolific breeders.